
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Apartment Decorating Part 2

Despite tending to the garden lately, my kitchen is still getting a new look.
The last time you saw this photograph I changed the color of the chair to black.
Painted it with chalkboard paint and love the matte appearance. Everything just wipes right off.
It was three coats and letting it set for a couple days but it was worth it.
I also added a bit to the floor and am loving it... plus it was cheap and is extremely wearable, easy to clean.
I took black vinyl squares 2" by 2" and finish the entire floor. The thing I like is everything I do is removable, so if and when I move everything can go back to the way the apartment was when I moved in....
I'm still not done it's a work in progress. I want to make sure it turns out the way I really like I've been here 7 years and that's usually the time frame for redecorating a room. Every time I go out into the kitchen different ideas find there way into my mind and I can vision what I want to do next. Which will be changing the white cabinet knobs to black porcelain the shine will add a different texture to the room. I am just smitten with black right now off course I've always loved the color, it should be used in every room a piece here or there to ground and settle the eyes.
And the chair rail...well...all I can say is...why does everyone put it on the walls. I am not real fond of it unless it's Incorporated with wainscoting or framed in the open space below with molding. I love when it's high in a room with low ceilings (which I have) it makes the wall appear taller.
I am also considering painting the counter top black which the owner approved. Not sure if I will like all the white appliances against it, so I will use blank construction paper first, tape it to the counter and let it sit for a couple days.  I am considered painting the wall under the cabinet in another texture of black should I not do the counter. All I know is when I decorate a room I look at the clothing colors I wear, and use construction paper before permanently adding color and go from there....it's the easiest way to start without wasting a lot of money.