Showing posts with label baby hat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby hat. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Baby Will in his Owl Sack....has arrived!!

     When love comes into your life you don't question it you embrace it.....
When in comes in the form of a grand child you open your heart even wider and let love in...

There is nothing more beautiful that nature can provide us than the birth of a new human life....

There is nothing more innocent nothing stronger than the bond between a grand mother and her grand children.  Say hello again to baby "Will" in the little Owl Sack and Hat that grandma knitted. Welcome little one to a life that will surround you with tons of love...

And say hello to the entire family in the most beautiful Christmas Card a grandmother could ever receive. When I opened the card I sat on the floor and cried tears of enormous love. My daughter, Dannon Mae, her hubby, Aaron Joseph and there new addition William just doesn't get any better than it's what it's all about, embrace it, cherish it, hold on to it, live for's all we have in this world. Family...He truly is a Christmas Miracle. Merry Christmas little one and many blessings for a beautiful life.

Friday, December 6, 2013

How I Love it....

Good Morning dear's been a bit of winter this week and I am loving it, the look of  little fairy lights twinkling as the snow falls. The first few bouts of snow, always so exhilarating especially this time of year as it sets the tone for the Holidays. The UPS man made a few deliveries yesterday, I've been a bit self indulging this year, treating myself to a few little things, patiently waiting for my new camera to arrive. It's not like me to treat myself, its been awhile since I have been in the festive mood. My experiences as an empty nester changes, evolves as the years go by, and does brings many different feelings this time of year. I find myself thinking of others, who are like me, living alone. Holidays are the hardest for us, I watch the Holiday TV shows, the Christmas commercials, all the family gatherings, the warmth of friends, the festive decorating, baking and cooking. I find myself thinking of my own family, dusting off the memories in my mind that have been tucked away. Thinking of my children and there bright eyed faces in Christmas past, baking holiday cookies, decorating the tree, and gifts staked under for Christmas morning. All faded now, distant's funny how fast time seems to go, yet at the same time there doesn't seem to be enough. This is the only time of year that seems to remind many of us, that we are alone. Making the best of it until it passes each year, it's all that any of us can do. I do miss the decorating inside and although I don't, I manage to take it outside and for me it's soothing. I also did a bit of blocking last night, finally finished the little hat with ear flaps for the new grand baby. Last night my daughter called me to tell me something I was not to know, until it arrived. Said she had baby Will's first photograph taken in the little Owl Sack and Hat I knitted in a soft gray. She was so excited. Said, mom the photographs of Will in the owl sack and hat are so adorable, I just couldn't keep the surprise, and that's not like me. Said she had ordered a special photograph for me. I can't wait to see and share it with you. It's the first time she has been excited about anything I have knitted. Then again this is the first year I've really dabbled and have delighted in knitting. I am learning so much about knitting I just can't seem to put the needles down. It's been a lot of trial and error but well worth it all, especially the finishing and blocking. How I just seem to love it all!