
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Harvest Sweater on The Needles

 Whee! today it's very cool and damp....making for the sinuses to ask what is going on right? One day warm next day, well I think everyone understands. I am enjoying it despite the lows and highs, much like life...I've been knitting away and just as happy as can be hearing the bamboo needles click as I get a steady groove. I so love circular needles!

This is a seamless top down sweater from Tin Can Knits (Harvest Cardigan, it's free) and I love the fact it's available to knit in any size, really, any size. This is a 4T it knits right up to I believe a 4XL, oh well, take a peek I know it's amazing, so easy to knit. I am one for seamless patterns especially when it comes to knitting. Bring it on I say....

The pattern calls for a worsted/aran weight yarn, I used some old stash I had which was Lion Brand Wool Ease in Rose Heather. Wool Ease yarn is 80% acrylic 20% wool it's not too bad, however, I prefer Paton's unless I am working something for the grand children, then wool ease is fine. This is for Emma, my grand daughter who is 2, and for next fall. I didn't add any button holes, the pattern doesn't call for any, yet it tells one can add a button hole in the center. Tonight I will finish it then block...always do it really makes a difference in the stitching and sizing. I use to think blocking do I really have to it seems like so much to do after knitting...but...I've come to enjoy it especially after the end results. The actual color of the sweater is the first photograph.

And yes, Cascade yarns what can I say but, dreamy, I love it! This is Cascade 220 superwash which is wonderful for children...it's washable not to mention I love the stitch definition and the way it feels. This is to be another coat for Emma next fall...I think I should start knitting for Cami who is another of my grand daughters who is also 2.  I will be a busy grandma knitting away. 

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