
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tah! Dah! Set is Done!

Hello my readers, I do hope your count down to Christmas shopping is going well, and you're enjoying the Season. I know it's late posting, but I have been playing with my new Cannon Camera and love the results of the photographs. I am still reading away and experimenting learner slowly, but learning. Being a visual learner it would be easier to have a helper, yet, I am still enjoying it all. With that being said, I finally finished baby, Will's, sweater set and I am pleased. Especially the color I added to the hat, Berroco Comfort DK color is 2703 it's similar to a beige and  this yarn...is so incredibly soft. I've also been using the mattress stitch to close seams and love it, it's literally invisible. I am growing in knitting to the point I can actually sense when I am not working the pattern properly, and that's an accomplishment for me. I am dearly loving the knitting process, crocheting most of my life, afraid to pursue the knitting process beyond scarfs, hats, the simple things. I am now confident to keep moving forward with each piece and so looking forward to it all. It's cold here as it should be, we've even managed to miss the snow like we did last year. I dare not get comfy in that thought, it's been a couple years since we have been hit with snow above 6" to 8" although it would be nice to remain in inches, we are in the snow belt. So it's up to nature as to whether she will continue to be kind.
Winter makes such a perfect time for knitting and trying my hand at creating some real projects. I have just learned the process for designing beyond baby hats and wash clothes. Again this is the owl sweater set without the owls and just a simple little hat knitted on 4 needles adding the stripes. For those reading that don't think they can accomplish a sweater, please try, if I can manage this girl who had so much trouble reading patterns, you can too. Just keep pushing it does get easier.

Thank you for stopping, keep the yarn moving on the needles or the hook, and keep warm!

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